Saturday, November 11, 2006


bon voyage wanton:
i think you all know anyway, but goodbye dinner for our lovely wanton, this tuesday the 14th, at an address yet to disclosed (i.e. when renee gets off her ass and makes a booking). probably Thai, most likely West End...let this anton photo montage be a reminder of how cool he is, how boring life will be without him around, and how much YOU will miss him! be there or be on Antons death list!haha

additional get-togethers: anime night as miskin...i havnt asked jeff about the projector yet but, fingers crossed i dont have to change any

Admirer 1: "That Renee, shes so organized"
Admirer 2: "yeah i know, this is a fine example of her ability to get off her ass and organize things properly before inviting people to them"
Admirer 3: "BAM!"
Renee: "pfft...and this is only the half of"


At 4:46 PM, Blogger Toby said...

"Anime night as miskin"? If everyone dresses up as giant white scungy-but-lovable-and-filled-with-fond-memories houses manouverabiltity at said anime night may be compromised.


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